Environmental Intelligence by WHo CAREs!? Chronicles

“First nations and ancient civilizations had a visceral sense of reverence towards nature and an acute “environmental” intelligence.” Nora Gherbi

IN-person training

We take a proactive, service-driven approach to environmental intelligence (EI). We bridge the gap between recognizing the need for change and implementing impactful solutions. Our team of experts works directly with corporations, cities, states, and institutions to develop and deliver customized strategies that integrate EI principles.

Flexible Formats, Lasting Impact

We offer a range of engaging formats, including masterclasses, workshops, and retreats. These programs are highly adaptable to your specific needs and have been praised by past participants for their effectiveness. By incorporating EI into your decision-making, you'll unlock new business opportunities, strengthen innovation, and pave the way for a more sustainable future.

Key Learning

  • Discover how transitioning to an EI strategy & mindset unlocks new avenues for growth and profitability.

  • Develop your understanding of the interconnectedness between innovation and nature based ecological business models.


  • 4 hours Environmental Intelligence Fundamentals

    Training Course (certificate)

    * a deep dive of this course is also available upon request.

    Duration: Year long. E.I executive deep dive program two masterclasses per trimester on a chosen topic.

  • 2-Day Environmental Intelligence Fundamentals

    Training Course (certificate)

  • 3-Day Environmental Intelligence Fundamentals

    Training Course (certificate)

    * an extended retreat option is also available. Duration - 5 days


La Lustra is a place & a one of kind experience provided in various remote locations. The 3 to 5 day La Lustra retreats allow participants to reconnect with their innate Environmental Intelligence. From the verb lustrum: lustrare "to purify", meaning to "brighten or "to make lustrous".

The etymology of the word is Latin for "washed" and from there evolved on to "purified". This program will help you integrate nature-centric educational tools into your business; implementing an emotional pedagogy alongside an academic one which will enhance your business acumen.

This program allows you to observe and interact with Nature while gaining insights through the integration of both the speed of life (seasons, life cycles) and the speed of light (new technology and AI). EI essentially is a thorough scientific understanding of our current environmental situation and using both our past (Ancestral wisdom) and our future (nascent technologies, AI & tech for good) in order to recreate a present in harmony with Nature.

Live Events

Nora Gherbi, the leading voice in environmental intelligence, bridges the gap. Her work weaves together traditional ecological knowledge from global indigenous people with cutting-edge data analysis, science and tech to create holistic solutions for a sustainable future.

change now - march 2024

Cop28 - Dubai - December 2023

Change Now - May 2023

cLIMATE WEEK - September 2024

Introduction to Environmental Intelligence

Environmental Intelligence Panel

Introduction to Diverse Brains, Diverse Solutions

Increased urbanization, and modern, and fast-paced living have collectively put us on a dangerous path. Yet, there is a well-documented part of our history where we lived in symbiotic harmony with nature.

First nations and ancient civilizations had a visceral sense of reverence towards nature and an acute “environmental” intelligence.